

Prepared to implement a higher standard of cleanliness

By Aymee


When it comes to the recommended guidelines issued by the CDC, we are taking extra precautions to do our part in keeping you safe and healthy by doing more than just frequent hand washing and using disposable gloves. Clean windows aren’t all we focus on. We start with ourselves. Maintaining clean personal hygiene is our top priority. We are professional cleaners and with that said staying healthy and clean is something we just do because getting sick is something we just don't have time for. We have been blessed with good health and count our blessings in staying away from Dr. visits. We believe that in order to reach optimal health it starts with self-care. Feeding our bodies whole nutritious foods, exercising regularly and taking care of our mental health is what keeps Cactus Desert Window Cleaning healthy season after season.

Spring 2020 is yet another season we will continue to provide top quality service to our Maricopa County residents. We are working hard to continue to serve you with the highest standards. We don’t cut any corners when it comes to keeping things clean and sanitized around here. Our second priority after keeping ourselves healthy and clean is our equipment. We have now added a triple wash to all of our rags, drop towels and squeegee mops. That’s right we wash them 3 times before they are ready for the next project. Using hot water and Persil Pro Clean Stain fighter liquid detergent which has been tested by consumer reports and ranked best for most tough stains. When it comes to the best we have done our research.

We are now sanitizing all interior window frames, including door and window handles after cleaning windows. We have separate storage to dispose of all disposable equipment like gloves, sanitizing wipes and shoe covers.

The tales our equipment could tell about the windows they have cleaned. From luxury properties, rental properties, apartments including trailer homes. We have seen it all and we wouldn’t be able to do it without the cleanest tools. Professional equipment yes but the amount of money we have spent on using the best equipment doesn’t matter if they are not kept cleaned and maintained regularly. To ensure extra precautions are being taken very seriously we have now implemented sanitizing handles after each project as well as daily cleaning with our vehicle and storage containers that hold our tools and equipment. Lucky for us we have a total clean freak and attention to detail lady on the crew. That's me!

Yes, I know I do it all but I wouldn’t be able to do it without your support including my team. Making sure my family team is taken care of comes with a lot of responsibility and that’s why I’m asking you for your continued support by simply sharing this blog. I am honored to be able to serve you and all your referrals. If you would like to meet us and have your windows and screens cleaned by us give us a call. We can’t wait to meet you and brighten your beautiful desert views!